Lessons about how to understand relationships better
What's something you've always wanted as a child that Allah has blessed you with now?
My 4 favourite lessons
A Book Review
What the word 'Qaniteen' really means
I had a serious conversation with a mentor recently about my plans for the future. Or shalll I say the lack thereof. I needed some concrete...
Yesterday I was on the train, commuting to work. It was a cold and dark winter morning as I stepped onto the carriage. I plonked myself...
"...people of other religions, who are accustomed neatly to separate the “spiritual” from the “ bodily” almost in the same way as the...
“Is it not a kind of intellectual arrogance which makes modern man reject the possibility of life-forms other than those which can be...
I did it again! I completely ignored my towering ‘to-read pile’ and picked up the most random book I came across in the library. I feel...
Yesterday I went to a clay making session. Originally I though it was the type where you make pots using those cool rotating thing but it...
Today I saw two clips that sort of tied in together with what I needed to hear.