Disconnecting to Recenter

#5 Daily Reflection: Saying bye to the virtual world for a short trip

Today is day 1 of our mini getaway trip. It’s been over two years since we’ve gone on a whole family trip (not including the married sis oops) and over a year since we’ve even left the house for an overnight stay. It’s a short trip, just for the weekend, although our car boot shows otherwise.

But what’s the fun of a getaway trip if you don’t pack all the snacks in the snack cupboard and a few kilos of meat and a BBQ set. Oh and don’t forget the electric BBQ too, you know…just in case.

It’s nearly turning midnight and we’ve just retired to our rooms after a simple pizza meal and some light hearted conversation about lard and corporation tax, with the promise to go for a sunrise walk…which is in 4 hours.

I’m currently curled up in bed and I can already feel my body sinking down and relaxing, ready for a nice deep sleep. I’ve always found it odd that people find it difficult to sleep in beds other than their own. For me it’s always been quite the opposite. Although, alhamdulillah, my body sleeps easily at home too, there’s an extra layer of comfort and peace I find when sleeping elsewehere. I have my suspicions that this is mainly due to the lack of to-do lists and commitments on my shoulders. I feel truly free and relaxed.

I’m also trying something new for this short trip — a mini social media detox. All social apps, including WhatsApp, have been uninstalled since a few hours before the start of this trip. After reflecting and seeing how the past week since my final exam has panned out, I realised I do need some time to disconnect. Yes, there is so much I want to do during this summer but I’m currently not operating at an optimum. I need some time to empty my brain and recenter myself.

I’m being pulled thin with the number of projects I’ve committed myself to. They’re all things I’m passionate about, but I know to give my all to them I need to reenergise and come back refocused.

It’s interesting how I’m actually already feeling the effect. I didn’t realise how many times I mindlessly unlock my phone to slide down the notifications panel or scroll through some posts, until now where there’s nothing to scroll through. So I’m excited to see how this pans out for the next two days.

My body continues to sink deeper in this bed and my eyes are slowing drooping shut. So on that note, that’s all for today. A shorter, less descriptive post than usual but I really want that sunrise walk too!


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