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- Decide Your Own Ark
Decide Your Own Ark
A Quranic Reflection on Choosing Allah’s Opinion

Assalamualaikum my dear,
This week I’ve been seeing the story of Nuh (as) from a different light and I wanted share a few of my jumbled thoughts with you.
The story of Nuh (as) is a story of inspiration for anyone in the field of community work.
It's a story quoted and reshared usually to motivate you to volunteer at that youth club, that dawah stand, to attend those protests for Palestine. Because the story of Nuh is a story of ikhlas (sincerity)- a story of doing things for Allahs sake alone, regardless of the lack of tangible ‘results’.
But when reciting the verses of his story a few days ago, the story of Nuh stood out differently.
It stood out as a story of choosing Allahs opinion over the opinions of people.
Opinions From Every Corner
People have so many opinions.
Opinions on how to eat, how to dress, how to walk and talk.
Opinions on what success looks like in the form of your career, rent price and the type of car you drive.
Opinions on even what being 'practicing' is from how you dress, to the number of classes you attend, to how many community projects your name is associated with.
And as humans, it's very easy to just blindly follow those opinions.
You wonder, if so many people see this as success, if so many people I respect see this as success, it must be success then…right?
Ok then, you tell yourself, that's what I'll work towards. There might be a small inkling in you that tells you, this isn't it. But you push that voice away, close your eyes and begin that path you've been told to take. And you continue to curate your life according to more and more opinions.
The thing is, these people might mean well. They might even believe that their opinions to what is success is what is more 'Islamic'.
But the little whispers continue to haunt you, still telling you this isn't it.
It is only when you tune into those whispers, you come to realise, you were sitting the test of life like it was a test from that relative, manager or distant friend, listening and taking their opinions as the answers for this test.
But actually, this life…it’s a test from Allah - so if there's any opinion you should be caring about, it should be His.
There's a specific verse that made this reflection come about.
The Preserved Comeback From Nuh
It's the verse where the people make fun of Nuh for building the boat.
وَيَصْنَعُ ٱلْفُلْكَ وَكُلَّمَا مَرَّ عَلَيْهِ مَلَأٌۭ مِّن قَوْمِهِۦ سَخِرُوا۟ مِنْهُ ۚ
So he began to build the Ark, and whenever leaders of his people passed by, they laughed at him.
Imagine this scene - Nuh (as) leaving his house every morning to labour underneath the hot desert sun. Sweat is pouring from every pore of his body as he drags one wooden piece at a time, bringing them together to build this magnificent thing. His son sees this, his neighbours and community see this and they wonder, what is this thing that Nuh is so intent on building? They quietly follow him to his construction site, take a step back and realise…it’s a ship.
A ship in the middle of the dessert.
They nudge each other and snicker. Is there anything more foolish and useless to spend your time building in the middle of a sea of sand?
Nuh (as), without pausing his work for a second, simply replies -
قَالَ إِن تَسْخَرُوا۟ مِنَّا فَإِنَّا نَسْخَرُ مِنكُمْ كَمَا تَسْخَرُونَ ٣٨
He said, ‘You may ridicule us now, but we will come to ridicule you.
You may make fun of me today but it will be you who is made fun of soon.
Woaah, Nuh (as), what a comeback!
And it's a comeback Allah preserved for over centuries for me and you to read it today.
Because every one of us have to make choices in our life that seem as foolish and useless as building a ship in the middle of a dessert.
And Allah gave us this comeback as a comfort during those moments. To remember, the lack of acceptance from a people is nowhere a reflection of your place with Your Lord.
There will be people out there who will make fun of the way you’ve decided to live your life. You will be the hot topic that all the aunties are waiting to dissect at the next social event. You will get the odd snarky comments from cousins and sometimes even friends.
But choose Allah's opinion over theirs.
If you know why you are doing what you are doing, and that reason is to please Allah, then let them make fun of you.
We’ll see who's going to be made fun off on a later Day.
So Sis,
You who is thinking about wearing the hijab, but worried about the looks and sneers at your workplace, wear it. Let them make fun today.
You who is thinking about quitting your job to spend more time with your family, but worried about the comments from the aunties, quit it. Let them comment today.
You who is thinking about homeschooling your children instead of enrolling them into the top grammar schools to protect their deen, but worried about the looks from your friends, homeschool them. Let them turn their noses up today.
It’s so tough, I know sis. Being laughed at or looked down on for choices you make hurts, especially when it comes from people you love or respect the most. But in those moments, hold onto Nuh (as)’s story and most definitely, hold on to his comeback.
Until next week!
From your sis,
Thasneema 🌻